Water Series
“My work reflects our collective desire for transformation into something ideal and a freeing of the trappings of daily life. In my paintings I seek to create a sense of reprise using the natural world as a large spanning platform: the great expanse and scale with water, the immersion in the silence and slowness of landscapes, the mysterious third of our life we drift away in sleep and recently the universe above.
Orphaned from the sanctuary of youth we are faced with life’s challenges and the consequences of our choices. I use our relationship with water as an allegory for refuge, renewal and joy. Often I use the image of a plunge or splash as symbolic of the portal water leads us through. The bubbles are the exhalation of the past; a letting go.
I believe that even in its ephemeral state, these moments lift us – freeing us from the weight of our world and allow us to connect to something larger than ourselves”. - Eric Zener
Summer Cascade, 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Blue Rotation, 60" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Sunrise, 54" x 66", Oil on Canvas
Cocoon, 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Renewal, 70" x 60", Oil on Canvas
A Blending Into, 36" x 60", Oil on Canvas
Emerald, 48" x 72", Oil on Canvas
Launch, 48 x 38, Oil on Canvas
Blue Ripple, 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Exhale, 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Unwinding, 66" x 54", Oil on Canvas
Intertwined, 60" x 70", Oil on Canvas
How To Be Happy, 60" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Ethereal, 60" x 90", Oil on Canvas
Rejoining Again, 48" x 38", Oil on Canvas
Summer Ripple, 48" x 72", Oil on Canvas
Self, 72" x 84", Oil on Canvas
Wormhole, 70" x 70", Oil on Canvas
Merging, 66" x 54", Oil on Canvas
Immersion, 54" x 66", Oil on Canvas
36 Happy People, 40" x 34", Oil and Photography on Canvas
Night Plunge II, 48" x 48", Oil on Canvas
Surrendering, 48" x 60", Oil on Canvas
Journey Series
Treescape series
Waterchute Series
Color Composition Series